It’s a unique blend of noir-detective fiction, traditional pen-and-paper games, and a big helping of existentialist theory that plays unlike anything else in the genre, really. Disco ElysiumDisco Elysium is grounded in the ancient pillars of RPGs, taking the dice-rolls and depth in dialogue of tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons, but implementing them in completely modern ways. Read our The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim review 6. It’s one of the largest, most detailed RPG worlds out there, one that’s itching to have every inch explored, whether for the first time or the fifth. You’ll find no shortage of stellar side quests that allow you to become a vampire or werewolf, join the legendary Dark Brotherhood, and countless other unexpected opportunities as you level up and unlock satisfyingly powerful spells and Dragon Shouts. Set out in any direction to explore a vast kingdom filled with people going about their daily lives, warring factions vying for control of an empire, and dangerous wildlife that ranges from wild dogs to imposing giants and monstrous dragons.

What its main story quest may lack in nuance, it more than makes up for with its invitation to go anywhere and do anything. The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an awe-inspiring journey where its classic fantasy world is your plaything. Which helped in keeping the adventure personal and grounded and paved the way for your eventual membership in an elite council of warriors known as the Grey Wardens and set the stage for one of BioWare’s most beloved franchises ever. Creating a new character allowed you to select one of several unique origins that introduces players to the world of Thedas through the lens of race and class. Dragon Age: OriginsDragon Age: Origins is a generation-defining RPG, dense with satisfying player-choices, great world-building, challenging battles, and memorable characters. Read our Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen review 8. It’s many different classes offer an absurd level of variation when it comes to how you actually play the game, with melee classes feeling like they’re in an action game, ranged vocations feeling almost like a third person shooter, and magic-based classes feeling like they’re playing a game of “oh my god don’t touch me, don’t touch, don’t touch me, okay now you’re dead.” It may be built off the massive open world RPG foundation of games like The Elder Scrolls and The Witcher, but there’s still nothing quite like Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. For one, it’s an excellent combination of exciting, action-centric combat and extraordinarily deep RPG mechanics. Dragon’s Dogma: Dark ArisenDragon’s Dogma and its excellent expansion, Dark Arisen, is a very special - and often overlooked - RPG for a number of reasons.

Read our Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age review 9. Even 30 years later, it remains as such, bringing new fans with quite possibly the finest game in the franchise. For many, Dragon Quest has always been good “comfort food” gaming. It is the purest distillation of classic JRPGs – battles are streamlined enough to feel quick and satisfying, while still providing a real challenge, especially later on. Its colorful cast of characters, combined with the blend of overworld exploration and turn-based combat weave together into a warm, fuzzy blanket that captivates and comforts as you trek through this 80+ hour game. Dragon Quest 11 S: Echoes of an Elusive AgeDragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age harkens back to a time when JRPGs reigned supreme. And with that said, let’s kick this list of off with: 10.